Sponsors of Bear Invasion 2008: | SPONSORSHIP INFO | |||||||
The District of Columbia Bear Club would like to thank the following sponsors who have provided invaluable contributions to Bear Invasion 2008, for without such sponsorships, we would not be able to provide you with the quality event we know and want Bear Invasion to be:
BearCiti - Gains Silver Level Sponsorship for his generous support of Bear Invasion 2008 with generous support and prizes, for a second year running. Visit www.BearCiti.com for chat with bears from all over. Sign up today! It's easy, and it's free. | ||||||||
bearwww.com - The
webmaster of Bearwww.com gains Silver Level Sponsorship for his generous
support of Bear Invasion 2008 with generous support and prizes, for
a second year running. Please vist Bearwww.com
and chat with bears from all over the world. |
Help Thyself - DCBC has been
proud to be on the Board of Directors for BHT for over 10 years, and
we have supported BHT by raising over $25,000 over the years. BHT has
always been a big supporter of the Washington DC GLBT community as well,
and Bear Invasion is no exception. Visit www.brotherhelpthyself.org
for details on this very worthwhile charitable organization. |
GOLD LEVEL Sponsorhip |
SILVER LEVEL Sponsorship |
BRONZE LEVEL Sponsorship |
$1001 +
or |
$501 - $1000 or
$100 - $500 or